G.R.O.W. in Gimli is a summer program for young adults living with social and/or intellectual disabilities (18-24 years) who are preparing for independent community living. We are currently looking for qualified applicants for the summer 2023 session (June-August) for the following position:
G.R.O.W. in Gimli Program Staff
The G.R.O.W. in Gimli Program is seeking experienced and enthusiastic program staff to support G.R.O.W. participants in achieving their self-determined life skills goals.
The ideal candidate will possess an Undergraduate Degree or be a student in Occupational Therapy, Education, Social Work, Family Studies, Psychology, Physiotherapy or a related field. In addition to having strong organizational and communication skills, the candidate will also possess:
- Experience with individuals with disabilities
- Able to teach program learning modules in the areas of social skills and life skills development
- Adhere to the principles of person-centred practice
- Able to work in and contribute to a team environment
- Standard First AID level CPR
- Criminal Record and Child Abuse Vulnerable Persons Check.
Successful candidate will spend three 2-week overnight sessions including one week off in between each session